When working with crystals, it is important to cleanse them before use to remove negative, including other people's energy.

    Cleansing your crystals by smudging (ing sage or other like Palo Santo sticks or incense) is one way to clear the energy, making room for positivity and clarity. This process is useful after an argument or sense bad vibes in your space, whether it is your home or office. It is advisable to clear out the old and bring in fresh energy. is akin to taking a refreshing shower after a long, humid day.

    To charge selenite crystals, you use the following methods1. Place your crystals in a pre-cleaned charged selen bowl for 15 minutes.
    2. Expose your selenite to moonlight, during a moon.
    3. Briefly expose it to sunlight.
    4. Rest it on a crystal charging plate made of quartz or site.
    5. Hold your selenite wand or other piece in your and place your healing crystals on top of it for a few hours or overnight.
    12 products
    Selenite Round Slab
    Selenite Round Slab
    Selenite Round Slab
    I Love Crystal Rays
    selenite flat stick
    selenite flat stick
    Selenite Wand Flat Stick ~L
    I Love Crystal Rays
    White Sage & Palo Santo Smudge Pack
    I Love Crystal Rays
    selenite bowl
    selenite bowl
    Selenite ~ Bowl
    I Love Crystal Rays
    selenite bowl
    selenite bowl
    Selenite ~ Bowl
    I Love Crystal Rays
    Selenite Bowl
    Selenite Bowl
    Selenite Bowl - Star, Sun & Moon Carved design
    I Love Crystal Rays
    Selenite Charging Plate (L) - Moon & Crystal
    I Love Crystal Rays
    Selenite Charging Plate (M) - Design Variety
    I Love Crystal Rays
    Selenite Double Point Spiral Wand
    I Love Crystal Rays
    Selenite Charging Slab
    I Love Crystal Rays
    Selenite Charging Slab
    I Love Crystal Rays
    Selenite Wand
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    I Love Crystal Rays
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