Shine Bright!

Shine Bright!

4 products
We all have moments in life when we need a boost, wether it be for starting a new venture or relationship. Or after an emotional rollercoaster ride! This is a collection of stones that will help to Increase confidence and self esteem! Bring back that light so you can once again shine as bright as the stars!

Amazonite - encourages on to express themselves with out fear of judgement!
Carnelian - a high energy stone that imparts courage and inner strength!
Lapis Lazuli - encourages on to speak their truth and promotes authenticity!
Tigers Eye - restores confidence in ones unique strength, qualities and abilities!
Moss Agate - facilitates acceptance of one self and improves self esteem!
4 products
Tigers Eye Tumble Cubed
Tigers Eye Bracelet
Moss Agate Mini Handbag
Lapis Lazuli Pendant
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