Agate Collection

Agate Collection

13 products

Check out our Agate Collection, A variety of agate and different collections.

Agate - Agate, a healing crystal, has been utilized for centuries to enhance physical and emotional health. Known for its energy-boosting, stress-protective, and confidence-enhancing properties, agate is also reputed to aid in the healing of physical issues like headaches, digestive disturbances, and muscular tension.

Flower Agate -Flower agate is recognized as a healing crystal with a broad spectrum of benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. It is believed to aid in alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia, in addition to offering other advantages like heightened energy levels and enhanced mental clarity.

Banded Agate - Banded Agates, known for their striped or occasionally swirled patterns, are found worldwide. They are esteemed for their robust metaphysical and protective qualities, often seen as stones that facilitate healing and liberation. They are thought to assist in attaining tranquillity, safety, and stability.

Moss Agate - Moss agate, a variety of agate with inclusions resembling moss or plant material, is often considered a stone of new beginnings, aiding individuals in discovering their true-life paths. It is also believed to offer protection, guarding against negative energies. Additionally, moss agate is thought to be beneficial in fostering new friendships and relationships.

Blue Lace Agate - The blue lace agate symbolizes trust, serenity, and calmness. It is known as a stone that fosters communication, aiding in self-expression, particularly during challenging times when finding the right words is hard. It is also believed to promote precision and clarity in one's speech.

13 products
Blue Lace Agate Tumble Stone
Agate Geode Mini
Agate with Amethyst Tower
Purple Moss Agate Tower
6mm Orca Agate ~Bracelet
6mm Crazy Lace Agate ~ Bracelet
6mm Agate~ Bracelet
Druzy Agate Heart with Stand
Purple Tube Agate point
Purple Tube Agate point
Purple Tube Agate point
Amethyst Agate Tower
Agate Amethyst Dendritic Sphere
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